Sunday, February 28, 2010



A) Main Idea :

People have always been fascinated by hybrid and mutant animals, and the need to satisfy
this fascination has threatened animal population.

Supporting Details :

To attract the public, zoos and menageries once bred exotic-looking hybrid big cats.

Knowledge of Subject :

In the past, it was common for any unusual big cat to be shot and dispalyed.

Logical Conclusion :

In conclusion, the hybrid and mutant animals will always make people love to see them
because of their own specialities and extraordinary.

B) Main idea :

Cholestrol is a part of fat known as lipid which, in moderate amounts, is useful to the body.

Supporting Details :

Obtained from our liver and the food we eat, is to help the body make new cells.

Knowledge of Subject :

If excess cholestrol build up in our arteries, it will make our blood difficult to flow to our
tissues and to the heart.

Logical Conclusion :

In conclusion, cholestrol can give the benefit to our body if it is in moderate amounts, hence,
it will also make our body system in dangerous if its amounts is exceeded.


1) a) false
b) true
c) true

2) a) stone therapy became popular
b) it is popular among Hollywood celebrities

3) a) time of the stone therapy was discovered
b) the criteria of choosing the stone needed

4) The therapy range should be in 60 to 120 minutes to allows clients to reach a relaxed state of
body and mind

5) C. supporters

6) C. different types of stones serves different purposes throughout the therapy

7) a) hot stones might burn your skins
b) it require careful handling and accurate placement on body

8) A. Stone therapy treatment cannot be performed successfully without proper training

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